At Cary Dental Associates, we know everyone is keeping a little distance right now. To help do our part in helping to keep our staff and patients safe, we are only taking emergency dental appointments at this time. While you may have to skip your cleaning this month, use these tips from our dentists in Cary, IL to get a professional-grade cleaning at home.
Brushing After Eating
It’s no secret that brushing your teeth helps reduce your chances of tartar build-up, but instead of brushing just once morning and night, consistent brushing after meals can be even more effective. Wait for a half-hour after eating each meal to brush just 2 minutes with even pressure to reduce the chances of developing plaque patches on your teeth.
Eating Fruits & Vegetables
Snacking on fruits and vegetables can help clean your teeth as you chew. High fiber foods such as leafy greens, apples and carrots are packed full of nutrients and gently help scrub your teeth clean of plaque as you eat them. Also, these foods help stimulate saliva production, which assists in washing away remaining debris even after you swallow.
Using Fluoride Toothpaste
If you aren’t already doing so, start using a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, decreases the risk of decay from acidic foods, and helps regenerate damaged teeth. Contact your dentist in Cary, IL for fluoridated toothpaste recommendations.
Cleaning With Baking Soda
Baking soda is a great tool for helping prevent demineralization at home. Demineralization is a chemical process where calcium is removed from the enamel. Baking soda has a high pH which helps balance the pH level inside your mouth, protecting against this chemical process. Baking soda is also slightly abrasive which helps scrape away the sticky plaque attached to your teeth. Mix a small amount of baking soda with a little bit of water and apply this mixture to your toothbrush. Brush this on to your teeth for 2 minutes and rinse with water.
Don’t forget to floss! Remember that brushing does not clean the in-between areas of your teeth. This will help prevent decay between the teeth as well as gum disease that typically starts there as well. It also helps eliminate bad breath. Once a day is fine, preferably at bedtime.
To learn more tips about how to keep your teeth healthy at home, contact your dentist in Cary, IL today! Visit or call us at (847) 516-1100.